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Perch Pot

An app for tracking your pottery projects

Download on the App Store

Organize your work

Track your pieces with photos, notes, clay, decoration, glaze, and more so you never forget how you made a piece

Search and filter

What's on the bisque shelf? What was that glaze combo? Easily search your notes or pull up everything you've glazed in clear

Automatic sync

Out of the box backup and syncing for all your projects privately on your iCloud account

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

Keep better notes

We use the tools we bring with us. And we bring our phone with us everywhere. Tracking glazes with a tap, documenting what works (or doesn't) with a photo, and having it all searchable — it's a game-changer.

App features

  • Search, sort, filter — Full text search for your notes, sort by what stage your project is at, or filter to a particular clay or custom tag
  • Photos — Pictures help you remember your work like nothing else, so they're front and center right alongside your notes
  • Optimized workflows — Everything you track should be quick and painless so you can get back to making
  • Customize everything — What stages do you want to track your projects through? What glazes does your studio have? Customize stages, forms, clays, decorative techniques, glazes, and custom tags
  • Ideas — Capture project ideas like a neat decorative technique or a good glaze combo in a separate section
  • Undo delete — Anything you delete can be found and recovered from the recently deleted section of settings
  • Export your data — You shouldn't be locked into an app, so you can always export all your photos and data (and import data from elsewhere)

Now go make something great

We really hope Perch Pot helps you with your pottery so you can bring something beautiful into the world! The app will always be free so everyone can have access.